What is April Fool’s Day?

April First or April Fool’s Day! By who or when this tradition started, is surprisingly nobody accurately knows.

History of April Fool’s Day

On this day people prank friends or others and perform practical jokes for fun. One who becomes a victim is called an April fool. Upon successful prank, people shout “April Fool” at the victim or idiot.

In around 1392 in a book titled “The Canterbury Tales,” there is a reference to 32 March. Well, we already know there is no 32 March. And after 31st March, we have the 1st of April. Considering 32 March as a prank, it is taken as April Fools’ Day.

Well, there are a lot of other instances or events that took place in history that depict the celebration of April Fool’s Day. Almost all events are after 1392 around all countries. Therefore, in my view, the year 1392 may be considered as the origin of April Fool’s Day.

Now, look at some of the famous pranks of the day.

Washing the lions !

Washing the Lions

To watch “ Washing the Lions”, people were invited via ticket at London Towers in 1857. There was nothing when people visited! People were fooled.

Some of the best April fool pranks involve Google.

Google Wind - April Fools Day

In 2017 Google Nederland created a prank. It was Google Wind by name. It talked about the cloudy weather of Holland. And Google found a way to get a clear sky by using machine language and Windmill. All Windmills were in a certain direction to disburse of the clouds!


In 2016, on Google announced Searchable Socks. In which you can find your socks with Google App! Funny.

These are just a glimpse of how Google celebrates April Fool’s Day. For More just click Here and for history click here.

Not only Google, but others also have their fair share of pranks too!

  • JioJuice
Jio juice April fools prank

Recently, by giving JioJuice; Reliance Jio, an Indian Mobile Service Provider pranked users.

“Never ever to charge the mobile phone when using on Jio network!

Simply insert Jio SIM and your phone gets charged through JIO network!”

Amazing, isn’t it? What an April Fool idea.

OK, enough pranks.

In past, some serious news and events were taken as an April Fool prank!

  • On 1st April 2005, Mitch Hedberg’s death was considered as an April Fools prank, Sad.
  • A new animated series PowerPuff Girls Z announced on the same day. People considered it a prank. Actually, it was true.

On this April Fool’s day, play some good nice pranks, you April Fools!

Take Care.

Also Read: How to get out of your Comfort Zone?

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