What is Rule 72 of Money?

Double your money. The “rule of 72” is a method of estimating how long it will take compounding interest to double an investment. Just divide 72 by interest rate, and get number of years to get your money double. Example If the rate of interest is 9%, simply divide the number 72 by 9% and the answer is 8. Thus […]

Why power goes out frequently in bad weather?

Ever wondered why there is a power outage in the bad weather? Well, this happens less often in the US or the UK or Europe. But in many developing countries, this is very common. Whenever there is rain, there comes a power cut. This issue is so problematic in some areas, that this often leads […]

Eat healthy food and get a healthy body & beautiful skin!

Everyone among us wants to be charming and beautiful, the question is Who doesn’t want? Beautiful skin demands a healthy body. Which in turn depends on the food you take, exercise. The problems within the body will definitely affect our skin or we can say that our face is the mirror of our body. You […]

Story of Jadav Payeng

The forest man “Molai” Jadav Payeng is a living source of inspiration for how a man single handily created a forest out of a sandbar in India. A 16-year boy known as “Molai” noticed that a 1000 hectares sandbar of Majuli island was continuously being eroded day by day due to lack of forest, vegetation, […]

How to get Fit and Fabulous !

Nowadays people workout hard to remain slim n fit at the gym. Everyone is trying different ways of getting slim. Many people go for exercise with a good diet regime. Some people prefer dieting or selective fasting. People always keep searching on Google about how to be fit and healthy. In most scenarios getting the […]