How to share photos in WhatsApp, without loss of Quality

Whenever you share your photos through WhatsApp, the recipient always receives lower resolution on WhatsApp or should say photos having lower quality on WhatsApp. The logic or idea behind this is to share photos better adapted to the mobile screens. It also reduces the overhead load on Servers of WhatsApp Inc. and moreover this method uses low data or bandwidth.

There are some situations, where you would want to send a quality picture without losing details like a photo with a lot of detail or full of fine text.

You can share a video or image with a maximum of 16 MB in size. If photo or video is of higher resolution or of higher size, still you can send photos by WhatsApp without losing its quality on your mobile phone. Then, how to send a picture or video through WhatsApp without quality loss?

To know about how to send photos or videos without loss of quality, follow this post.

Loss in detail

In short, your photo would get compressed into KB in size, which was originally in MB in size.

Now imagine you have gone to some exotic travel place. You send those photos to your friend to use on PC or maybe for printing. Sadly compression or size reduction by WhatsApp will ruin your photo quality. This is quite noticeable on the large display of PC or your laptop. The image will look little blurry.

Thus, WhatsApp will degrade your high-quality photo just while sharing.

Share in Original size

There are many geeky solutions for sending a photo on WhatsApp with full-resolution. But to me, there is one simple way to do this.

Usually, to share a photo we simply tap attach icon and attach a photo from the gallery and tap “Send” and the photo gets shared. This is shown below for easy reference.

WhatsApp upload

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Now if you want to share your photo in original quality simply follow the following steps.

Open a chat or create a new one in WhatsApp and select pin icon to attach an item.

Instead of using Camera or Gallery icon in WhatsApp, to share a photo, you should select a document.

Whatsapp tap on document

This will open document picker or file manager, here Browse through your photo and select and attach, that’s it.

WhatsApp select your media

Yes, that’s it.

This will send full-resolution photos via Whatsapp. We can say original photo to a recipient. As shown below, the receiver will receive the photo you sent as a document.

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Remember that, you can send a file up to 64 MB in size on Android Mobile. For the iPhone, this limit is 100 MB.

Here the first photo is sent as a photo from the gallery. Then the same photo is sent as a document using the above-shown method.

WhatsApp media sent as an attachment with full size

If you are not convinced yet, why don’t you try yourself?

Till we meet next time, bye and take care.

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