Summer protection for healthy body and skin

In summer the temperature goes high, very high. In this high temperature, it is very hard to negotiate daily work without exposure to direct sunlight. So today on we will see tips for skin protection from the sun for a healthy body and skin. Healthy Body with Beautiful Skin! Sunlight: Positive effects It enhances our […]

How to stop wasting time with Smartphones

It is said that phones have become a Smartphone and we have become dumb. It is said that the smartphone has turned into an addiction. Everywhere we will find people struggling to find out something from their smartphone! Overuse of smartphones affects the personal relationship. Also, it affects a person’s productivity. Today we will see […]

Why you should love GM Diet Plan

In 1985 GM (General Motors) company developed a diet plan to help its employees. This diet plan was endorsed by GM board as well as the Food and Drug Administration of the US. It was for employees of GM only but later on, it gained rapid popularity due to its result and effectiveness. Basically, it […]

How to get out of your Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone is a mental state of a person in which everything is at ease and stress-free. In Comfort Zone, One’s behavior and activities are in such a pattern that it leads to minimizing stress and anxiety. This state is such that one always try to maintain its safe situation. Ultimately this hampers the progress […]

What is April Fool’s Day?

April First or April Fool’s Day! By who or when this tradition started, is surprisingly nobody accurately knows. History of April Fool’s Day On this day people prank friends or others and perform practical jokes for fun. One who becomes a victim is called an April fool. Upon successful prank, people shout “April Fool” at […]