Surya Namaskar with Mantra
Surya Namaskar means “Greetings or Salute to the Sun.” Surya namaskar is a combination of 12 different postures. Traditionally known as “Asan” of “Yoga” with mantra associated with it. Surya Namaskar is twelve different Asan combined into a single “Yogasan”. Different Yoga Gurus have proclaimed Surya Namaskar as the “King of Yog”.
People considered Yoga as a spiritual practise for the benefit of body and mind. One round of Surya Namaskar is equivalent to 108 Asan of Yoga. As per Hindu tradition, the sun is the source of all life. A Mantra is a chant to praise God. it is in Sanskrit. Mantra is in Sanskrit as it is God’s language. Every posture or “Asan” is associated with its mantra.
- Those people who are not comfortable with a mantra, can omit mantra and perform Surya Namaskar as usual.
Yogasan is the name of “Asan” or posture related to “Yog.” Yoga is a westernised word of “Yog”. Surya is a westernised word for Sury. The same way “Asans” and Asanas are both the same things. The former is the original word.
It is to be noted that different Yoga Guru’s have developed their version of Surya Namaskar with a slight change in the sequence of Asans and mantra. There are different type of “Yoga” practised during a different time.
How to do Surya Namaskar?
Surya Namaskar is a way of Sun Salutation. In this, one praises the sun in 12 different postures and mantra with each one. Early morning, at the time of Sunrise people, mostly practise it. But you can alter the routine as per your convenience.
Perform this in a calm and silent place. You can practice Surya Namaskar inside or outside as per your convenience. On a flat surface or use a Yoga Mat. Indicative pictures are for your reference for each part of Surya Namaskar with its mantra and meaning.
“A picture is worth a thousand words”
Part 1 – Pranamasan
It is also known as Prayer pose. This Asan helps to maintain the balance of the body and relaxes the nervous system.
ॐ मित्राय नमः
“Om Mitraaya Namaha” means One who is friendly to all.
Part 2 – Hasta Uttanasana
It is also known as “Raised Arms Pose” known also as “Tadasan” or “Mountain Pose”. This “Asan” is a stretch, which helps the chest and lungs to take more oxygen. This also stretches and tones abdomen muscle group.
ॐ रवये नमः।
“Om Ravaye Namaha”, means The shining one, or the radiant one.
Part 3 – PadHastasan or HastaPadasan or Uttanasan
This is also known as “standing forward bend” and “Hand to Foot Pose.” This Asan helps in stretching hamstrings, flexes waist and spine.
ॐ सूर्याय नम:।
“Om Suryay Namaha” means The dispeller of darkness, responsible for generating activity
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Part 4 – Anjaneyasana or Ashwa Sanchalanasana
This is also known as “Equestrian Pose”, and “Crescent Moon Pose”. This “Asan” helps in flexing neck and spine, which helps in indigestion, constipation and sciatica. This also strengthens our leg muscles.
ॐ भानवे नमः।
“Om Bhaanave Namaha” means One who illuminates or the bright one.
Part 5 – Adho Mukha Shvanasana
This Asan is also known as “Dandasan” or “Downward-facing Pose” in other variation. This helps in improving posture. It stretches shoulders and chest.
ॐ खगाय नमः।
“Om Khagaya Namaha” means One who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky.
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Part 6 – Ashtanga Namaskara
This Asan is also known as “Ashtang Dandavat Pranam”, or even or “Chest, Knees and Chin pose” in a variation. This helps in reducing tension and anxiety. This Asan enhances the flexibility of the spine and back muscle.
ॐ पूष्णे नमः।
“Om Pooshne Namaha” means Giver of nourishment and fulfilment.
Part 7 – Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana or Bhujangasana
This is an “Upward Facing Pose”. It helps the heart with giving flexibility overall body. It enhances mood.
ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः।
“Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha” means, One who has a golden coloured brilliance.
Part 8 – Adho Mukha Shvanasana
This Asan is also known as “Dandasan” or “Downward-facing Pose” in other variation. This helps in improving posture. It stretches shoulders and chest.
ॐ मरीचये नमः।
“Om Mareechaye Namaha” means, Giver of light with infinite rays.
Part 9 – Anjaneyasana or Ashwa Sanchalanasana
This is also known as “Equestrian Pose”, and “Crescent Moon Pose”. This “Asan” helps in flexing neck and spine, which helps in indigestion, constipation and sciatica. This also strengthens our leg muscles.
ॐ आदित्याय नम:।
“Om Aadityaaya Namaha” means The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine mother.
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Part 10 – PadHastasan or HastaPadasan or Uttanasan
This is also known as standing forward bend and Hand to Foot Pose. This Asan helps in stretching hamstrings, flexes waist and spine.
ॐ सवित्रे नमः।
“Om Savitre Namaha” means One who is responsible for life.
Part 11 – Hasta Uttanasana
It is known as “Raised Arms Pose” and also as “Tadasan” or Mountain pose. This Asan is a stretch, which helps the chest and lungs to take more oxygen. This also stretches and tones abdomen muscle group.
ॐ अर्काय नमः।
“Om Arkaaya Namaha” means One who is worthy of praise and glory.
Part – 12 Pranamasan
It is also known as Prayer pose. This Asan helps to maintain the balance of the body and relaxes the nervous system.
ॐ भास्कराय नमः।
“Om Bhaskaraya Namaha” means Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination.
Benifit of Surya Namaskar?
As per many Yoga gurus and as per ancient manuals and scriptures, regular Surya Namaskar has positive effects on the human body.
- It regulates blood circulation.
- Surya Namaskar enhances our mood and mental health.
- It reduces stress and anxiety.
- It regulates the sugar in the body which controls diabetes.
- Due to increased blood circulation, it stops hair loss.
- Regular practice makes our skin radiant.
- It regulates weight gain.
- Regular Surya Namaskar helps in improving digestion.
- It tones the body which improves overall posture.
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This ultimately maintains human health to the optimum level. This makes the human body free of diseases. Right from the head to toe, every part of the human body gets the benefit. From a healthy mind, heart stomach and up to legs, this “Asan” have positive effects and that is why this Surya Namaskar is considered the best.
If you believe in ancient practice for healthy body and mind, regular practice of Surya Namaskar enhances creativity and intuitive abilities.
History of Origin
The practise of Surya Namaskar is many centuries old. In the 1920s, Bhawanrao Shriniwasrao Pant Pratinidhi presented this in his book “The Ten-Point Way to Health: Surya Namaskars.” This is the first documented reference of this ancient practice.
Still, many historians believe that Surya Namaskar invented in around the 19th century. It does not stand true, as the mantra of Sury namaskar were created in ancient time. They argued that Surya Namaskar postures were not Yogasans. Even some pioneers of Yoga stated that only ill-informed people practice Surya Namaskar. They did not consider Surya Namaskar to be a part of Yoga.
“The father of modern yoga” Krishnamacharya took inspiration from the 1896 book, Vyayam Dipika. Some poses of Surya Namaskar nearly resembles the “Dand.” Traditional Indian wrestlers practised Dand as exercise. From this, we can conclude that fitness was incorporated in modern-day “Yoga”.
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Yoga and Physical exercise
Considering the use of physical energy, Surya Namaskar is a lite exercise. Above all, it is a proven fact that Yoga is the most beneficial and safer form of exercise involving lease physical effort.
International Yoga Day
International Yoga day is celebrated on 21st June every year. In 2014, the United Nations (UN) formally accepted Yoga. And since 2015, every International Yoga day is celebrated. On this day, Yoga is practised everywhere as a public event. This is a prominent event throughout India. Moreover, all over the world, it is celebrated as a public event. This shows how the world has accepted Yoga. Even a group of Indian mountaineers performed Surya Namaskar at a height of 5700 Mtr on Mount Elbrus, Russia. In 2019 this feat made a world record.
Take care.